Irish Anarchist Publications


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These are the publications of the Workers Solidarity Movement , an anarchist group active in Ireland. As well as anarchism articles cover aspects of Irish History and current struggle including union/workplace struggles, community struggles and anti-imperialism. They appear on the web about 1 month after appearing in print. This collection goes back to 1995 and includes most material published since then

All Workers Solidarity articles are emailed to Ainriail

Workers Solidarity

Workers Solidarity is an Anarchist Paper that appears three times a year. It comments on current events and offers analysis and strategy on campaigns for activists. It also carries articles explaining anarchism and aspects of anarchism's history and theory.


1997 Issues...1996 Issues

Workers Solidarity Masthead

Red & Black Revolution

Red & Black Revolution is a theoretical magazine that appears once a year. It gives space for articles that analyses in considerable details campaigns, aspects of capitalism, anarchist theory and anarchist history. It also puts forward ideas on how anarchists can organise themselves and carries detailed reports on the anarchist movement in different countries, frequently drawn up by anarchists from those countries. We hope it will encourage debate within the anarchist movement.

Red & Black Revolution cover

Anarchist News

Anarchist News is a free news sheet aimed at activists and gives strategies for campaigns as well as introductions to anarchism. This appears as it is needed which in 1996 meant about once a month on average. It allows up to rapidly react in writing to events or new developments in campaigns. The number printed varies according to the opportunities for distribution and the issues dealt with in each issue. The largest distribution so far was of 7,000 copies


Anarchist News logo

All Workers Solidarity articles are emailed to Ainriail

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