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Evolution and Ethics

Last modified: June 9, 1998

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Current advances in several related scientific fields (Biology, Neuroscience, Biologically Inspired Computation Models, the study of Complex Systems, etc.), show how humans, like any other biological organisms, are clusters of very complex long evolved machines, subject to natural selection.

Even those aspects, like the thinking activity, for very long time considered domain of the so called "spirituality", are going to be explained in terms of their material (electro-chemical and computational) nature. [see: F. Crick, M.A. Arbib, Sejnowski-Churchland]

In light of the scientific evidence that these investigations propose, some fundamental questions need new approach and reinvestigation. What gets out of this crude analysis may be not consolatory at all, if we assign a consolatory role to philosophical investigations.

Among others, here are some questions needing new, deep, reinvestigation:

Can Ethical Reasonings have any foundation beyond desires and passions?


In a limited resource perspective, where struggle for life is an everyday matter, how can we speak of general values for humanity in a way that is not just rhetoric, illusory and consolatory?


How deeply can we speak of notions like Common Good, Rights, etc., in a non subjective yet consistent way?


How can we switch from subjective utility functions to objective utility functions?


Assuming Darwinian Evolution as a fact, can we still establish non local, non historical hierarchies of values?


Can we even speak of context free values at all?

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Take a look at The Biological Basis of Morality by Edward O. Wilson and at his last book Consilience.

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Last modified June 9, 1998. [ Site Reference ]

Question Stated      < italian version >

Ethics is usually believed an important source of inspiration for addressing our behaviour. In a sense, we can say that any action we do has ethical implications. Any plan, any design, any engineering activity can be looked at as ethically driven.

However before asking whether Ethics can constrain anybody's choices, one should ask whether ethical reasonings have any meaning independently of desires, passions and sympathy (as "similarity of passions"). And one should also ask what choices are respect to actions. For sure our brain is involved at many levels in this activity.

Are Ethics and Utopia a sort of information technology for groups of humans to boost the resource flow in their favour? Is that the ultimate unconscious reason of their origin and persistence in history?

* Download this Article (xx KB ZIPped) [ download instructions ]    < italian version >

On Sustainability as Peacock-mutualism

This is a note on Prof. K. A. Peacock's article:
Sustainability As Mutualism Between Humans and the Earth:
or, Can We Be the Forehead Mites of Gaia?

< Some notes and questions to Prof. Peacock >

* Download this Article (45 KB ZIPped) [ download instructions ]

Is Sustainability Governable? Definitely No

Darwinian evolution, characterising any Sustainable biological environment, challenges the Plan idea of any Government notion. These perspectives seem antinomic. Local rationality often contrasts Global rationality.

Common figures depict a rich North (20% population, 80% resources) against a poor South (80% population, 20% resources). A physical principle says: if there are potential differences, flows and resistances arise to search system equilibrium. If we limit our analysis to this two-pole system bound by limited resources in some way, three cardinal equilibrating scenarios emerge: (a) Northern Lifestyle Extension to Everyone [multiply by 4 current environment load]; (b) Equal Resource Share [multiply by 4 current population load of Northern countries without expanding resource use]; (c) Conversion Efficiency Increase [perform 4 times better than now with an expensive complete inexperienced theoretical renewal of resource conversion technology]. All this if, optimistically, today's world population won't increase. None of these equilibrium points seems achievable without explosive conflicts. Current trend is clearly towards (a) direction. Furthermore, humans, as every bio-organism undergoing natural selection, tend to over-reproduce, invade every ecological niche and differentiate, as Darwin pointed out. Biological struggle for life and offspring random variation (notions hopefully on the fingertips of ecosystem speaking people) are the basis of evolution and production of biodiversity. This biological evidence challenges any Plan idea embedded in the notion of Government. This antinomy produces contradictions that reflect on actions taken. Thus, for instance, maintaining high regional differences may generate unsustainable tensions; but migrations of humans, or migration of employment chances in the opposite direction, may generate unsustainable tensions as well, from a Good Government point of view. What seems rational from a global point of view becomes impracticable from the local one, and vice versa. Conflicts anywhere seem unavoidable. A fundamental rethinking of universalised ethics notions like Common Good, Rights, Democracy, Sustainable Development, Directed Ecology, etc. seems mandatory too. Misunderstandings at this level may produce inconsistent illusions and unexpected results.

* Download this Article (65 KB ZIPped) [ download instructions ]

Some Notes on the Problem of the Origin of Ethical Norms

Ethics notions seem self evident and immediately meaningful to us. However a closer look at these notions shows that they depend on a static view of ourselves and our world. This produces many paradoxes when we consider the mechanics of life and its evolution, along with environment constraints. Ethics notions tend to become meaningless when evolution is considered.

< Italian version is available for download >
la versione italiana puo` essere scaricata >

(Sorry, this article is in Italian only, for now)

Answer to an alleged creationist

Very recently in the Italian Newspaper La Stampa and in its web portal (Ciao WEB) there has been an exchange of comments on the "Silence of God" and an allegedly "creationist" letter surfaced.

One would think it useless to bother anymore and would dismiss the slur without any comment. Unfortunately the creationist attitude is still ruling the policies of governments causing tragedies, sorrow, pain, desperation, guilt and unhappiness all over the world.

* Download all these Articles (80 KB ZIPped) [ download instructions ]

Other short pamphlets


(Sorry, these articles are in Italian only, for now)

Some Bibliography

This bibliography has no ambition to be complete. Each of the quoted texts contains further and more systematic bibliography. Here I tried to focus only on those texts with broad range coverage of a discipline and/or on texts with introductory or foundational or problem posing characteristics.

References here

Web Links

Link indication does not mean endorsement of its content in any way.

Neural Networks,
Artificial Life


Other more complete resource lists may be found here:


It may be interesting to take a look at some publishers that are largely involved in this area:

Ethics and Philosophy links







You may search here for CLASSICS TEXTS

Environmental Ethics,
Sustainability Debate
and Utopia

On Environmental Ethics, Sutainability Debate and Utopia you may take a look here:


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