...to know it all is not necessarily preferable to being smarter than your average coyote.
What can be said about Hestas Coyote that can't be read off the back of a box of cereal? Is he complicated? Is he worth spending time on this page reading about him? Is he a cabbage?
While I am highly confident that I am indeed not a cabbage, I have spent a great deal of time, money, and effort to convince people I am not really all that interesting. The fact that you are reading this indicates a definitive level of boredom, possible neurosis, and maybe even delusions of running for president.
But, as the saying goes, judge not, lest someone throw stones at you. You came, you saw, you read. For that, I humbly apologize.
There are those who believe you can figure out a the measure of a person by the types of things they like and the activities they engage in. First off, if this is the case, you are on the wrong page. Go back to the main page and click the link that says My Interests. I'm too lazy to put a link here for that. At least there you might be mildly amused. Second, I prefer to use a ruler or a scale. Third, there is no third thing. Fourth is right out, as I never learned to program in that language. And finally, you might try asking Mrs. Coyote.
As a final jot on this page, I have been Hestas Coyote for almost 10 years now. I have a few other names as well, some of which are quite colorful. But for those curious as to how I arrived at my name, the short answer is Hestas is from Carpathian mythology, and Coyote from Native American legends and lore. Despite that I am neither Native American or Carpathian, at least that I know of, it is the name given to me by Eris. So stick that in your pipe and toot.