Thoughts come clearly while one walks.
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
Hestas Coyote's Thoughts
Well, I suppose as a Discordian I should have some radical thoughts or something. Not that I would expect anyone to really care what I would have to say, but what the heck, right. Everyone needs to express themselves, and most importantly, think for themselves. I used to have these on separate pages, but I have decided to collect them all on this one page now. If you like them, great. If you don't like them, great. There just here to read. And don't start worshipping me as though I'm some kind of high priest with the answers to everything. I'm not, nor am I even close to any of the answers. That's up to you to figure that stuff out. I'll add stuff here from time to time. But if you'd like my views on whatever, just contact me and I'll see what I can do.
Karma Works in Reverse
I have recently come to the realization that most people are completely wrong about the workings of Karma in the universe. This comes to no surprise considering that most people really have no clue as to how the universe works anyway. The Principia Discordia tells us that life as we understand it does not stem from Order, but rather from Chaos. The universe is in Chaos simply because that is its natural state. We, as humans, are constantly trying to bring about order, which in itself is chaos.
To further this attempt, many people that the universe is out to get them. This is, in most cases, completely opposite from the truth; people are out to get the universe. If you think about it, most people strive in life to attain perfection, either through money, power, status, reputation, ect. Some people will stop at nothing to reach these ends, which in itself feeds the chaos in the universe. Those that fail to achieve that which they feel they deserve often blame Destiny, Fate, and Karma for what is simply the way in which the universe works.
Many people often believe that because of Karma, bad things happen to then because they have done bad things in the past. This is simply not the case. Most people haven't done enough bad things in their past to warrant the ill givings that Karma brings. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that Karma works closely with Fate and Destiny determining what shortcomings people will have in the future. In other words, if you feel as though the universe is dumping on you, it is simply because you will dump on the universe in the future.
If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. People who constantly do bad things are always seeming to get away with it, or at the very least relatively unscathed. A person commits a crime, and the worst that happens to him is he receives a free home with meals every day. Why is this? In retrospect, those that seem to do the most good in the world, are often the same people that seem to have the worst luck. Why is it that an honest politician can never get elected, or someone who could really do something good for this country can't get into office?
All of this points to clear signs that Karma works in reverse. People do not have bad things happen to them because of what they've done in the past, but rather because of what they will do in the future. I have already studied several cases of this and believe it to be true. Unfortunately, that means one day I'm going to be a real ass. So, until that day comes, enjoy!
It should be noted at the time of this update, some people already do think I am a real ass
And God Said Repent
This is actually a dialogue I had, so I've written it out that way.
Hestas : What must I do so that good things may happen in my life?
God : Repent
Hestas : Just a simple answer, huh. You always were straight to the point. Why must I repent?
God : You worship Eris
Hestas : No, I don't worship Eris. Discordia is not a religion to me.
God : Yet you follow her teachings
Hestas : So, are you saying she exists?
God : No
Hestas : Then I don't see the problem.
God : You think she does exist
Hestas : But I don't worship her.
God : Are you sure?
At this point I went after Eris to ask her opinion. But as usual, she simply stuck her tongue out at me and ran off down the road.
The Myth of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil
Here it is in a nutshell. Right and wrong, good and evil, they don't exist. At least not in the primitive concepts we associate with them. What we commonly associate with right and wrong, and good and evil are nothing more than values. Values that we have been raised to believe. Values that change over time. Values that differ from one part of the world to another. So how can one set of values be more in the right or wrong compared to others? They can't. For that in itself is another value judgment.
Some people will argue that we need a set of values in order to survive in any kind of society. Well, I choose to agree and disagree. I would agree that with the way things are today, we can't help but have a system of values in place. It is nearly a necessity. And this is because for the most part, people are inherently selfish. Imagine if we had no laws and no values and people were allowed to do whatever they wanted? Okay, now stop imagining the internet. In all fairness, most people can not live this way. Even most self professed anarchists, who proclaim on a daily basis that we should abolish all laws would realize after a few minutes this was a bad idea.
Now, perform a paradigm shift and change the inherent behavior of people from selfish to selfless. Imagine a world were people strived to help others rather than themselves. A place where every member of society works to benefit the community as a whole. Now you can get rid of the laws. They wouldn't be needed. True, it might make us easy pickings to a predator species, but not necessarily. It can work. It's just too many people are stuck on the concept of some things are good and some things are evil.
What about the seven deadly sins? Well, there should only be five, but that's a different discussion. Let's take killing for example. According to the Bible, this is one of the big all time major sins. Yet more killing is done in the name of religion than anyr other reason in the history of the world. But let's take it a step farther. If you could go back in time and had the opportunity to kill Adolf Hitler, would you? The obvious answer would seem to be, yes. I mean, he was responsible for a world war, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of deaths. So killing him would most likely be beneficial to society. But wait! Killing is wrong and evil. It says so in the Bible. So you be a good little mind-slave and let him go, knowing full well he is going to responsible for the death of millions. So doesn't that now make you responsible for the death of millions?
What about stealing? Well, what if you were to steal the keys to all the tanks and planes that Hitler had preventing him from using them to kill millions. Stealing is merely the result of someone wanting something that someone else has.. If everything was available to everyone, there would be no need to steal. Stealing stems from selfish needs, and as a result of those needs not being filled, usually leads to killing.
I could keep providing example after example of how almost everything that is considered wrong and evil can be considered good and right under certain conditions. In this was it is much like a 3 edged sword dipped in chocolate and tossed into a river. It is my opinion that if we should treat situations not as either being good or evil, but rather a matter of choice and consequence. If more people stopped to think about the consequence of their decisions, maybe, just maybe, the world might be a better place to live.