This Web site is designed to help students use the Internet as a resource in their study of geography.  There are many links on this site that will take you through a wonderful journey into the study of our world.  I have also included some geography lessons for students and teachers, that will integrate the use of technology into the geography curriculum. Lastly, I have included information about myself and some of my favorite personal links.  I hope everyone enjoys exploring this little stop on the information super-highway!

What is geography?

Geography Links

Anglo-America Lessons

Latin America Lessons

Europe Lessons

Russia & Northern Eurasia Lessons

South West Asia Lessons

Africa Lessons

South Asia Lessons

East Asia Lessons

Australia & Antarctica Lessons

The Five Themes of Geography

National Geography Standards

Who is Mr. Sapp?

Mr. Sapp's Favorite Links

Teachers, help this site's contents to grow and submit geography lesson plans to be posted on this web page. Please submit contributions by e-mail as an attached MS Word document, RTF files, or HTML files.

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Geography Web Ring

This Geography Web Ring site is owned by Eric Sapp.

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Updated March 14, 2002