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How to do Research 

Research is difficult for people because 
  • they are ill-prepared. 
  • they have the wrong perceptions about what research is. 
  • they have difficulty in formulating a research question. 
  • they have not usually undergone a creative thinking course. 
  • they do not read widely enough. 
  • they do not know how to use the Web for research (or CD-ROMs and the library as well!) 
  • their supervisors do not themselves fully understand the research process and how to best explain it. 
Students new to research must learn how to do research. My multi-disciplinary How to do Research CD-ROM (Windows format) helps here. 

" I wish I had known about all this help available ... when I was doing my PhD."- Elspeth Rae

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"What a resource!" - Dr. Elspeth Rae 

©1992-2007 Copyright Dr I. Kennedy
Last updated 2007-1-11 
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How to do Research CD-ROM 

The material covers all aspects of conducting research. It includes the What? Why? and How? of conducting formal research, selection of supervisor, and preparation of graduate & postgraduate theses. 

The chapters in the course are listed below.
You may print pages for your private study purposes


Making research notes
Generating hypotheses
Research data
Research design
Research project proposal
Research supervision
Research merit
Research resources
Research funding
Reading of research
Use the Web for research
Research glossary
Research bibliography
Research Links
Order the CD-ROM from the author or contact the author to run the course at your venue.