WHEREAS, "shut-in" citizens of the State of Oklahoma contribute to society by their show of courage, faith and friendship; and
WHEREAS, Oklahoma has a history of setting aside certain days of the year for commemorating special groups; and
WHEREAS, Oklahomans should become more aware of the special problems and needs of shut-ins; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of this state urges all citizens to observe "Shut-In Day" and encourages citizens to participate in programs to help sick, disabled and elderly persons.
Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 2nd Session of the 38th Oklahoma Legislature:
SECTION 1. Shut-In Day
The first Sunday in June each years is hereby established as "Shut-In Day" in Oklahoma to be commemorated by calling upon the people of Oklahoma to observe such day by visiting at least one shut-in person on the special day if possible, and by participating in other appropriate ceremonies and activities.