House Joint Resolution No. 1014

A Joint Resolution designating Port Silt Loam
as the official soil of the State of Oklahoma.

WHEREAS, Oklahoma is a state with bountiful resources, a state of great aesthetic and economic diversity, and a state with highly productive land and people; and

WHEREAS, Oklahoma's social and economic development is closely tied to our natural resources; and

WHEREAS, the common thread which runs through the origins of our petroleum industry to our modern day agriculture is our soil; and

WHEREAS, the diversity and productivity which has made our state great is rooted in the soil resource; and

WHEREAS, Port Silt Loam soil is a highly productive soil which can support a wide variety of crops as well as range, pasture, woodlands and native wildlife; and

WHEREAS, Port Silt Loam occurs in more counties in Oklahoma than any other soil type.

Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 1st Session of the 41st Oklahoma Legislature:

Section 1. Port Silt Loam is hereby designated the official soil of the State of Oklahoma.

Approved April 1, 1987.

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