
A home page devoted to AA, recovery, and the 12 steps.

The name of this page, The Saturday Morning Group, comes from the fact that the AA group I attend meets on Saturday mornings at St. Luke's church in Minneapolis.

It is an "open" mens group (non-smoking), which alternates weekly meetings between the steps, and an open meeting at which the person speaking can discuss any topic or subject he feels relates to alcohol (ie. recovery, societies view of alcohol, etc).

I hope to post articles and text from a variety of sources, and make them available for all to use. Please credit the source if you do so.

I will arange the page as follows...

The Steps

Various Topics

Personal Stories

Assorted Quotes

AA Links

The 12 Traditions

Coming soon - Twenty-Four Hours a Day

I will also try to prove the existence of a connection between AA and astronomy.

If you feel you have an article that belongs here, any comments, or suggestions, please e-mail me a note.


This page is dedicated with love to my wife and children. Without their support I would not enjoy the sobrietry I have found.

I would like to thank GeoCities for providing me with this free Web site. Please visit them at the GeoCities Home page. There are others I also wish to thank.

You are visitor number to The Saturday Morning Group. Please come back, we're always open.

This page created March 14, 1996 and last updated Jan 23, 1999.

© 1996 The Saturday Morning Group

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