
Bob Wilcox's Mathematics Page

Featuring the official East Haven, Connecticut

Math Question of the Week

If a half a chicken lays a half an egg in a half a day, how many eggs will ten chickens lay in ten days? For the answer to this question please contact Bob Wilcox at: rwilcox@connix.com

The following links are some of the more useful mathematics links I have found as in the past few months. I plan on updating these links on a regular basis so feel free to come back and check them out.

Links to other sites on the Web

Kenneth Cole's Math Sites--Some favorite math sites of a Middle School Math Teacher!
The Abacus--Users with Java-capable browsers will be able to use an abacus online at this site. A wonderful mix of old and new technologies.
Ask Dr. Math--As the title of this site implies, visitors can ask any K-12 mathematics question or search through archives of past questions and answers.
Brain Teasers--You don't need to be a math whiz to solve these puzzles, which are posted anew each Thursday along with the answer to the previous week's puzzle, for grades three and up.
Calculators Online--Ever wonder how many uses a calculator can have? Visit Calculators On Line for demonstrations of using this powerful tool for weddings, sports, life insurance, science and even mathematics.
Clickable Census Bureau Map--This site provides a wealth of data from the US Census Bureau for many different types of mathematics problems, such as graphing, when comparing statistics from different states.
Dynamical Systems and Technology Project--This project is designed to help teachers of secondary and college mathematics bring contemporary topics, such as chaos, fractals, and dynamics, into the classroom, and to show them how to use technology effectively in this process.
Fractal Microscope --The Fractal Microscope is an interactive tool designed for exploring fractal patterns. By combining supercomputing and networks with the simple interface of a Macintosh or X-Windows workstation, students and teachers from all grade levels can engage in discovery-based exploration.
Fractals--Fans of fractals should add this site to their list of favorite sites. This is a collection of fractals and fractal-related material for free distribution on the net.
The Fruit Game--Take turns with the computer removing fruit from the table. The player who takes the last fruit from the table is the loser. If you haven't played before, you may wish to read the rules, under the "Help!" link.
A Gallery of Interactive Online Geometry--Visitors to this amazing site will find a host of online activities including building a rainbow.
Googolplex--An entertaining and educational look at the nature of really large numbers.
Graphics for the Calculus Classroom--These graphical demonstrations can be used to illustrate and enrich first year calculus. Developed by Doug Arnold of Penn State University, they include illustrations and animations.
Helping Your Child Learn Math--From the U. S. Department of Education, this site contains activities and ideas for parents to help their children enjoy math.
Interactive Mathematics Text Project--This gopher site provides information about development of electronic resources or notebooks for instruction.
Joint Education Initiative (JEI)--Come to this Web site to learn more about a group and its products that are committed to, "delivering to the student and teacher the actual scientific data sets being used to address contemporary problems."
Macintosh Math/Science Software Archive (Naval Research Lab.)--As the name implies, this FTP (File Transfer Protocal) site offers visitors the opportunity to download a wealth of educational software.
MacTutor - History of Mathematics Archive--Features the biographies of more than 1000 mathematicians, many kinds of indexes, a birthplace map, portraits of mathematicians, and a "Mathematician of the Day."
Marcia's Math Chase --In this game for two players at one computer, players start at zero and must add and multiply their way to the goal. Please note that this game applet requires a Java-capable web browser.
Math Forum--The goal of this site is to build a community that can be a center for teachers, students, researchers, parents, educators, and citizens at all levels who have an interest in mathematics education. Key issues in math are highlighted, along with resources by subject for K-12, college, and advanced math topics.
Math Archives (Univ. of Tennessee) --Teachers can download great math software and discover links to other activities and valuable mathematics sites.
Mathematics Experiences Through Image Processing (METIP) --In line with the NCTM standards, the goal of the METIP project is to use digital image processing to help encourage such concepts as exploratory, open-ended learning.
MathSource: The Mathematica Resource --MathSource is a vast electronic library of Mathematica material, with over 100,000 pages of immediately accessible Mathematica programs, documents, examples, and more. You can either browse the archive or search by author, title, keyword, or item number.
MATLAB Gallery--The Gallery is a place to hang particularly elegant examples of graphic visualization in MATLAB. These pieces are, by themselves, testament to the power at your fingertips.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)--Visitors can get updates on upcoming conferences, peruse through journal articles, and get teaching ideas.
NSF Geometry Center--This site serves as an information source for great geometry sites and conference information.
Online Mathematics Dictionary--Just can't seem to remember what "Chebyshev polynomials" are? Come to this site for a quick reference. Visitors are invited to add their own terms and definitions.
Pi Mathematics--All about the famous irrational number, this page contains activities, history, teacher resources and more.
PlaneMath--Welcome to PlaneMath, a way for you to learn cool things about math and aeronautics on the Internet!
SimSurface--Enjoy changing variables and watching to see what happens? This program is designed for use in instruction of computational science in general and of the specific numerical techniques used in the program.
Tessellation Tutorials--This Math Forum Web unit, designed by Suzanne Alejandre, uses HyperCard and HyperStudio to show students how to tessellate and make connections to mathematical concepts such as symmetry.
TI Graphing Calculator Software Archive--Ever wonder if you're really getting the most out of that calculator sitting in your desk drawer? This archive contains programs for the Texas Instruments family series graphing calculators, CBL, and related products.
The Unofficial TI-Calculator Home Page--Can't seem to tear yourself away from that calculator? This site is a great resource for links to programs, newsgroups, editors, mailing lists, and even games for Texas Instruments graphing calculators.
Virtual Polyhedra --Welcome to this growing collection of over 700 virtual reality polyhedra for you to explore. Included are ways to make your own paper polyhedra.
Women Mathematicians --A web site for biographies of women in mathematics, these pages are part of an on-going project by students in mathematics classes at Agnes Scott College to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics.
World of Escher--Stop by this engaging site to find stories, discuss and learn of products centering around the life and efforts of M.C. Escher, a noted Dutch graphic artist, most recognized for spatial illusions, impossible buildings, repeating geometric patterns (tessellations), and his incredible techniques in woodcutting and lithography.
Science and Math for Kids
Eisenhower Clearinghouse
Web 66 School Registry for Web Sites
Erdos 4 Kids
NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards

For further information please contact Bob Wilcox at: rwilcox@connix.com ********************************************************************************************************

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