May the Merciful Heart of Jesus be with you!

Welcome to this page and also take a tour through the pages on this website. Check out the links, and I hope it interests you enough to seek further information about the Legion of Little Souls of the Merciful Heart of Jesus.

I encourage you to order a copy of the Statutes from the Legion of Little Souls, Inc., (the National Center) which gives many clear directives as to the nature of this Pious Association. The address is LLS National Center, 428 - 39th Street, Moline, IL 61265-1641.

It is our desire to see this work spread and to receive the blessings promised by Our Lord to those living the Message as stated in Volume II-II, July 18, 1978:

Jesus to Marguerite: ...I give much I ask for much. My little daughter, my child, believe with all your soul in the reality of the Message and in the reality who has dictated it to you.

Love has an urgent need for pure, sincere and generous hearts and for apostles in these days and times when the Prince of Darkness misleads so many souls through false manifestations of devotion, and thus drives them away from the House which I have built on solid rock.

This House is the Church, holy and sovereign, strong with the strength of those who are the cement protecting Her against wear and tear (my saints), and weak with the weakness of some of her members who want to attack her structures, but who vainly come up against her walls consolidated by the loving and faithful hearts who offer their bodies and souls as a rampart.

And my Little Ones have for armor only the coat of Holy Love.

Love the Church, my House! Be faithful to her Leader! People do not pray enough for the Holy Father! Defend the Church! Defend the one who steers her Boat!

Be yourself under all circumstances! Be fearless! You should not hide what you are. Full daylight illuminates everything!

May my Love consume you in its Living Flame! May it reveal its secrets to you! May it give you more strength, for the battle must be fought; it must be!

Little nothingness, I make use of you.

Put your trust in Me! Yes, the universe is despairing. You: have hope! Let your hope flow into the hearts of all men!

Let us save souls, my child; let us save them! You with your nothingness wrapped, totally wrapped in the Might and the Love of your God. And I, acting through your heart. Do not forget that out of nothing I can make an ALL.

Do not forget that out of a bad deed I can bring forth a great blessing! Exalt my omnipotence! May all people become conscious of the coming; to them of the Master of the World, the Spouse of their souls and the Love of the Father, i.e. the Son in the Holy Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit, i.e. the union of the Father and the Son in their everyday life.

A message from the National Director Teresa Huyten

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