LinkExchange MemberFree Home Pages at GeoCities < img src="" border="0" nosave width="18" height="18"> This Page was visited by Friends since April 12, 1997. My FRIENDS on the net. Friends ... What can I say about friends? Without them the lifewould be a very poor thing, made only of work and loneliness. How we say, "You can not choice parents and relatives... the friends yes, you can!"... and it's true. Of course, if with our parents and relatives we can build a real relationship, we can also transform it from consanguinity to friendship, but this isa different talking, which gives us back to the subject of this Page. 8) Friendship is very important, a wonderful thing ... a friend is the one whom you can talk, opening your heart ... he is who offers his hand if you need help, who give to you his shoulder in all sad moments, but he is anyway and always HONEST to the extreme, without pitiful lies nor hidden reasons. Isn't necessary to totally share ideas and dreams, on the contrary! ... often right from diversity rise up the imput to discuss and to grow together, and sometimes even a strong fight is more useful than one thousand of simperings and salaams. 8) I've alot of friends, and many of them are obviously "real" persons, in blood and bones, whith whom I eat pizza every saturday night or maybe I meet them once a year but each time we enjoy hugging, but probably they are unknown to you ... then I will talk to you of my friends on the net, met through a modem, even if many times these "virtual" meetings have turned into real direct meetings, and many beautiful friendship are born ... and a wonderful Love too! 8) Visit their Web Pages, send to them an E-Mail, because they are all wonderful people! (Icons are clickable, and sometimes there are even 2 or 3 linksconsecutively on their names). Paola Tigrino "Sadira". Genovese sino al midollo (ma con una leggera componente piemontese), è appassionata di giochi di ruolo (RPG) sia da tavolo che telematici. Molto attiva politicamente in ambito libertario/anarchico e presso l'ARCI, dirige (in qualità di Presidente e di Direttore Commerciale) il GeWeb s.c.r.l., una Cooperativa di servizi telematici che si occupa di Pagine Web pubblicitarie, corsi di informatica e amenità simili. Suona anche lei la chitarra ed anche batteria e basso. E' laureata in lingue (inglese e francese) e lavora a Milano nella redazione di una nota rivista specializzata in informatica. Marco Camarda "Icco" He's a very good boy, Very nice and wise no matter of his youth. He has a big love with modern music very "Hard", and he too he plays many different instruments, as keyboards and guitars. Miao! (The "Cats" Page of Sadira) We share a big passion to these pets, and in fact both we have built a Page (similar but different) dedicated to them. 8) Claudio Mantegna He too, as me, manage a BBS (Bulletin Board System) in Palermo (he's the System Operator on "The Modem Soft"). Produces very cool Java applets. FabioMerighi His nickname is "Ninja Turtle" because of his insane passion for the pizza. No one can still undertand if he is a geometer, a musician or a computer technician, but for sure he is dangerous! ;^) Giuseppe Minervini He was a colleague at my workplace. His hobby is Yoga, and he traveled very much everywhere. He's building a beautiful Page where, more than talking of himself, he will show a "showroom" of wonderful photos (it's his job) where he documents all places (Asia, America, etc.) he visited. Roberto De Chaud E' socio del GeWeb, ma fortunatamente non si occupa lui della produzione di Pagine Web ;) E' un vero amico, molto sensibile e assennato. Visitate la sua Pagina, perch'è senza fronzoli e orpelli, ma esprime molta ricchezza di sentimenti. Paolo Polce Paolo appartiene alla categoria dei pazzi che come me tengono aperto gratuitamente un BBS ("ItalTec") per il solo amore per la telematica 8) Napoletano verace, suona il basso elettrico e si esibisce persino in pubblico, con incredibile faccia tosta! 8) Dimenticavo di dire che è un fanatico di PowWow e IPhone, che sfrutta al massimo con tanto di telecamera 8) Dario Conigliaro Dice che studia Ingegneria Informatica presso l'Università di Palermo, ma nessuno gli da credito 8) Del resto, come fidarsi di un Amighista col modem antidiluviano e lentissimo? Frequentatore abituale di palestre, gli piacciono le "rosse" sportive (ma non sto parlando delle Ferrari ;))) Paolo Di Francesco Anche lui dice di studiare Ingegneria informatica, ma in realtà, considerando che gli piacciono i cartoni animati giapponesi e che anche lui collabora in GeWeb ... siete disposti a credergli? ;))) Marco Serantoni Romano de Roma, "rugantino" quanto basta, ma anche molto in gamba come programmatore software. Lamberto Cudia Giovanissimo, pratica tennis e vela. Dategli tempo e modo di crescere, e farà strada! ;) Luigi Trovato Ecco un altro SysOp! Stavolta si tratta di "Dark Side of the Moon". Essendo anche lui siciliano, è più prudente per me non dire nulla su di lui ... detesto la vista del (MIO) sangue! ;))) Marco Silvio Lauria Proseguiamo con i SysOp ... "Star System" è il suo piccolo regnotelematico palermitano. Fabio Mantello Ancora un SysOp (che volete farci!) ... il suo BBS ("Blue Dragon") è a Genova. Franco "Angler" A friend (a biker) who on christmas 2002 left us :,( Hi Franco, we miss you but you're still with us. Antonio "Prof" Nicosia THis is a damn biker which we sOpport each other since a couple years, and we'll continue (hope) for a long time. As any real biker, he's ugly dirty and bad ;^p Mimmo "Mongolo" Alario Talking of ugly bikers, he defeats (almost) all, but in the depth he's a nice guy. Riccardo Forte He is the president of the Coordinamento Motociclisti (Bikers' Council) in Italy... and let me say that CM-FEM is the only one bikers' organisation (no matter of FMI and others MC) which really values to participate. WolFive BBS c/o Armando Carta Via Non Ti Riguarda, 0 90100 Palermo - ITALY Tel. +39-091-RESERVED DSL If you want page me with PowWow If you want page me with Vocaltec IPhone If you have ICQ you can page me at 2994093 Web-page Visitor - Communicate with WolFive BBS / NoNetby using this ICQ Communication PanelTHIS SITE IS POWERED BY THE ICQ COMMUNICATION PANELYou can ICQ-Page the owner of this web page as well as other users or you can EmailExpress him right from here with no additional software. 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Friends ... What can I say about friends? Without them the lifewould be a very poor thing, made only of work and loneliness. How we say, "You can not choice parents and relatives... the friends yes, you can!"... and it's true. Of course, if with our parents and relatives we can build a real relationship, we can also transform it from consanguinity to friendship, but this isa different talking, which gives us back to the subject of this Page. 8)
Friendship is very important, a wonderful thing ... a friend is the one whom you can talk, opening your heart ... he is who offers his hand if you need help, who give to you his shoulder in all sad moments, but he is anyway and always HONEST to the extreme, without pitiful lies nor hidden reasons. Isn't necessary to totally share ideas and dreams, on the contrary! ... often right from diversity rise up the imput to discuss and to grow together, and sometimes even a strong fight is more useful than one thousand of simperings and salaams. 8)
I've alot of friends, and many of them are obviously "real" persons, in blood and bones, whith whom I eat pizza every saturday night or maybe I meet them once a year but each time we enjoy hugging, but probably they are unknown to you ... then I will talk to you of my friends on the net, met through a modem, even if many times these "virtual" meetings have turned into real direct meetings, and many beautiful friendship are born ... and a wonderful Love too! 8)
Visit their Web Pages, send to them an E-Mail, because they are all wonderful people! (Icons are clickable, and sometimes there are even 2 or 3 linksconsecutively on their names).
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If you want page me with Vocaltec IPhone
If you have ICQ you can page me at 2994093
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