Delaware Valley Scholastic Bowl
The DV Scholastic Bowl
Photo Quiz

At what university was this photo taken?
Do you really think you can get this question without loading the photo?

Bonus: What is the month and year of this photo?

You may e-mail your guess, or use the form below. The winner is the first person to submit the correct answer to the question and all of the bonus; if no one gets all of it, then the winner is the first one to submit a correct answer to the main question. Basically, you want to be the "first with the most."

The winner will have their name posted on this page and in the page of past winners.

Check out past puzzles' answers & winners.
In what city was the photo taken?

What is the month and year of this photo?

Your Full Name (required if you want to be listed as a winner):

E-mail Address (will never be given out--you'll receive no junk mail due to playing):

Winner of the last Photo Quiz:
George Gelderman

The DV Photo Quiz has been played

times since April 17, 1996.

Hey Mac users! Check out this trivia/quiz shareware for the Mac!

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