About I.V.C.A.
The International Virtual Community of Astrologers was born to create and coordinate special
projects concerning astrology and related subjects. It is just the beginning and we are far from
have much to tell about it, but we have to start anytime. At this stage, I'm mostly focused on
The Brazilian AstroCommunity work but as soon as I can, IVCA will have all the attention it
requires. Anyway, English speakers already may have some features whitin this site.
By its very nature, IVCA is open-minded, receptive to new ideas and advices. So, feel
free to send your comments, suggestions and any kind of information to feed our database with
astrological news.
IVCA wishes -- and is trying hard to -- be an entity able to help the astrological
community to access a better understanding about what astrology really are,
and what are the philosophical principles operating behind it.
Thus, we should not to think astrology in a narrow sense, but under the lights of
philosophy, psychology, history, archeoastrology, and all other paths able to lead us to deep and
real learning of this subject.
Dictionary of Planetary Keyword Ideas
Food for Thought
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