Name: Joe Strange
Website: A Strange Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Portsmouth Va
Time: 1997-03-27 10:01:00
Comments: I am a disciple in the Greater Norfolk COC. I did a reverse browse on webcrawler and found your page. It is awesome being in the Kingdom.

Name: Michael Carden
Website: Michael Carden's Home Page
Referred by: Net Search
From: The big D - Des Moines, that is.
Time: 1997-03-05 16:21:00
Comments: I sent you an email also.

Name: Aaron Wells
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Cerritos Chamber of Commerce
Time: 1997-02-23 17:54:00
Comments: Hi! Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your web site! I've been looking for anything located in Cerritos since I've recently joined the staff of the Chamber of Commerce. Good job!

Name: Debbie Chaco
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: I am Diane's co-worker, so I sit directly across from her
Time: 1997-02-18 15:13:00
Comments: I thought the web page was excellent. I admire other christians who are not ashamed to openly discuss their commitment to the Lord!! Diane has an awesome spirit, kind heart, and has a great sense of humor.

Name: Heidi Sivertsen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mosjøen, Norway
Time: 1997-02-10 13:29:00
Comments: Hello California! Lucky you living in the sunny and warm California! I am envious.......... Heidi.

Name: Elizabeth Martin
Website: None Yet!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-02-06 09:28:00
Comments: Hi Diane, I finally was able to get into your home page at work. It is beautiful. I will try it from home so I can spend more time on it. As always, your briliant talent is displayed. Love Ya, Elizabeth

Name: Ed Partch
Email: partch@earthlink
Date: Thursday - 13/Jun/96 - 2:32:23
Homepage: Ed Partch's Home Page
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Diane, it's been a long time since you were in O.C.! I really like your page.
I just finished designing mine. Give it a peek.

Name: Taryn Patzold
Date: Wednesday - 12/Jun/96 - 14:02:13
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Net Search
Comments: How did you get a homepage and why are you listed under UHS alumni?

Name: Angela L. Jantzen
Date: Friday - 7/Jun/96 - 16:43:15
Homepage: http://
Referred from: Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Hi guys......
I saw your web page! It look GREAT!
See you at work Dave!

Name:Scott W. Dean
Date:Thursday - 23/May/96 - 14:17:31
Homepage:Anorian Mishmosh
Referred from:Netscape
Comments: I love this place! Thanks for the info on Geocities. I
like what I saw. By the way, I also am of the headbanging
community. Take care.
Scotty D :)
Name:Joel Yang
Date:Tuesday - 21/May/96 - 17:38:55
Homepage:Web Page testing ground
Referred from:Advertisment/Brochure
Comments: (Diane's e-mail sig counts as "Advertisement", yes?)
As a best friend of my fiancée, and through our
correspondence, you've become a friend I've only met
electronically. And similarly, Dave as best friend of
my old pal Tom. Truly look forward to seeing you both
at our September wedding! In love & with love /Joel/
Name:Jason Mills or
Date:Tuesday - 21/May/96 - 12:21:31
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Love you guys!!!!
Name:Kim Daugherty
Date:Wednesday - 15/May/96 - 14:05:48
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: Diane made me come visit this home page. I showed the 1001
Ways to be Romantic link to my secretary. She tells me it
might save her marriage ;)

Name:Dan Pettibone
Date:Friday - 10/May/96 - 16:52:40
Referred from:Advertisment/Brochure
Comments: Say Hi to Sasha for me!
Name:Misheck Phiri
Date:Wednesday - 8/May/96 - 4:23:14
Referred from:Just Surfed On In!
Comments: I have yet to browse through your homepage later. I have to
leave. Thank Daine for telling me about your home page.
More from me next time.
Name:Eugene B. Garcia
Date:Thursday - 25/Apr/96 - 15:49:14
Homepage:Ano ai kewelina aloha e
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Cool page... I didn't realize I was in both the KNET pictures you had on your page!
Take care!
Name:Albert Leon Wagers
Date:Monday - 22/Apr/96 - 11:50:10
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: I finally figure out how to get into your webpage. Here at Cerritos we have all right equipment but it isn't the best in the world. Albert
Name:Steve Holloway
Date:Friday - 19/Apr/96 - 12:41:03
Referred from:Word of Mouth
Comments: Diane told me to come here and how could I resist?
Name:Rex Geissler
Date:Thursday - 18/Apr/96 - 11:18:04
Homepage:Rex, Julie & Chase Geissler Home Page
Referred from:Advertisment/Brochure
Comments: Dave & Diane
As in all that you do, you've done a very eloquent and
timely job with your web page, except for the heavy metal
links(Ha ha!). Seriously, I consider it an honor to
know you and appreciate all that he does through you.
Your Friend Forever - Rex Geissler
Date:Tuesday - 9/Apr/96 - 7:47:52

Total:19 guests