The Genealogy of the Coleridge and Southey Families
Version 1.1b 2008
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 'Common-sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.' 
Robert Southey, 'Live as long as you may, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life.'

Coleridge & Southey Surnames
Direct link to STC
Direct to Robert Southey
Misc. Coleridge Surnames
Misc. Southey Surnames
STC Time Line
Coleridge Family Pictures

Poetry Links

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Robert Southey
Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Sara Coleridge
Hartley Coleridge
Coleridge Archives
University of Toronto

Other Links

BBC Coleridge Links
Ottery St. Mary in Devon
Collegiate Church in Ottery
Friends of Coleridge
The Coleridge Way
Greta Hall
Coleridge Cottage
Christ's Hospital
Jesus College
Nether Stowey
Keswick, Cumbria
Coleridge & Southey Bio Books
Coleridge at Barnes&Noble
Read Print book search

Other Surnames

Spring-Rice Surnames
My Wilson Family
Stevenson Surnames
John Henry Foley Surnames
Genealogy Cartoons


The family home of the Coleridge family since 1796, the Chanter's House in Ottery St. Mary, Devon was sold in 2006.

More Info


This web page is dedicated to the genealogy of the Coleridge and Southey families and especially to the poets, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the poet lauriate, Robert Southey. The pictures above are Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1795 on the left and Robert Southey in 1796 on the right.

To go directly to the family of Samuel Taylor Coleridge or Robert Southey, click on the direct links to the poets on the left.

To review all the Coleridge and Southey family members, click on the Coleridge and Southey Surname link on the left.

For information of STC's life, click on my STC Time Line
link and see where he was during his life. I'm currently working on an updated version of this time line which will have much more detail however it will not be ready for some time to come.

The web page for the Sara Coleridge poetry link leads you to a page on the internet which displays an incorrect picture. The picture is of her mother, Sarah Coleridge, STC's wife. To see a picture of Sara Coleridge, click on my Coleridge Family Pictures link.

If your interested in my Wilson family, please visit my daughter's web page at More Wilson Genealogy

Click here for some additional links to genealogy resources.

Click her to email me

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Page version 1.1b (2008)


Copyright 1996 - 2008, The Genealogy of the Coleridge and Southey Families. All Rights Reserved