Children with Autism

Information and links to other places

Children with autism can appear to be in their own world. When working with them you need to be patient and use some special techniques.  

Autism Information Page -- a site that provides information about autism and many links to other pages about autism

Autism/PDD Resources Network -- The purpose of this site is to guide you to the key issues associated with spectrum disorders. There is a growing awareness of the nature of autism and the kinds of approaches to diagnosis, treatment and care that are likely to be effective in meeting the needs of autistic individuals and their families. 

Autism, Asperger's Disorder, and PDD -- many different definitions for you to check out, all dealing with autism.

Lots of links about everything and anything you need to find out about....medical, dental, teaching, journals, research, you name it. 

Center for the Study of Autism

Autism Society of America

CAN, Cure Autism Now

Autism Resources

Themestream: Autism -- articles about living with autism

The Georgiana Institute   -- information about Auditory Integration Training    

Autistic Information Matters -- a web page developed by a parent of a child with autism.  Many links.

Tony Attwood  --  many links about information about Aspergers Syndrome

Autism Research Institute --  a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. primarily devoted to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood

  GFCF Diet -- Information about the Glutin Free Casin Free Diet for children with autism.

Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndrome -- access to new clinical and pharmaceutical therapies for children with Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndromes (including Autism/PDD, ADHD, and CFS/CFIDS)

More Autism Links than you can shake a stick at!

Partners in Autism --  Over 200 Pages Of Information, Interactive Imagery, & Services

Sensory Integration Network -- Information about sensory integration dysfunction

  Autism Awareness Action -- A network with many helpful links for parents...especially those with a new diagnosis of autism.

Ispy's Home Page -- Ooops....Wrong Planet!  Everything you wanted to know about the Autism Spectrum

Room 5 -- a classroom web page dedicated to helping parents and teachers of students with autistic spectrum disorders.

© 2001