Closing the Circle

To close a circle, just reverse the opening process.

Go to the white candle at the North and say:

"Thank you and Farewell to The Element of Earth. I Thank you for the Powers of the North."

Snuff out the candle.

Go to the white candle at the West and say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Water, I thank you for the Powers of the West."

Snuff out the candle.

Go to the white candle at the South and say:

"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Fire, I thank you for the Powers of the South."

Snuff out the candle.

Go to the white candle at the East and say:

"Thank you and Farewell to the Element of Air, I thank you for the Powers of the East."

"Thank you and farewell to the Four Quarters and the Powers they contain."

Snuff out the candle.

"The circle is now closed."

"So mote it be!"

Ring the bell 3 times.

Copyright © 1997-1998 AutumnCrystal GreyWing

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