The History of St. Teresa Avilla

	Little Teresa was born at Avilla Village on 28th March 1515. She was
much influenced by her family who built her personality. When her age around 
6 - 7 years old, She was ran away from her home with her brother named Rodrigo, 
They went to Moor land, because she want to die as a martyr. She think if she 
die as a martyr she will directly go to heaven, it is the easiest way.
	When she was 12, she was interested by the  glamour of the world, 
so she was losing her kindness. One of her naughty nephew has influenced her 
behavior too. When she was 13, her mother die and she was very sad. One day 
she pray to Mother Marry that she want to call her as her mother.
	Then she went to St. Agustinus boarding house. She was charmed 
by Sr. Donna Maria Briceno, and she want to be a nun and give her life for the 
Christ. After a few years Teresa have to leave the boarding house because she 
was sick. Then,…. when she was health, she went to Encarnation nunnery on 
2nd November 1535.
	1537, Teresa was held her first promised. Teresa was sick again and 
comma for four days long. Everybody was think that she would die and prepared 
her funeral ceremony, only her father who don’t believe it. Later she woke up 
but become invalid and paralyzed for eight months. She was pray to St. Joseph 
and got her health again, so she give the rest of her life to serve for St. Joseph. 
She serve, wrote a lot of scripts and die on 15th October 1582.
	Pope Pius X has written that "everybody who reads all of  her scripts, 
do not need other guidance to understand a holy life". On 27th September 1970 
Pope Paul VI give a name "The Doctor of Church" as the first literary woman.