Welcome all of you to my homepage. Here you can find a lot of info about me and my main interests; and bear in mind that this page is always growing. I'm not here to stagnate in silence, that's for sure!

A little bit about myself... My name is Alex Shterenberg. I'm 23 years old, a senior at UCLA. If you want to know more about me, read my autobiography, it's pretty interesting.

I collect links to some very good and interesting homepages on the Net. If you want to check them out click here!

Got any metal CD's or tapes for trade? Or just curious to see my CD collection and bands homepages? Don't hesitate to click here! Extremity is my special.... Also check out my webzine BLOOD SERVANT - out now!!!!

I'm graduating next year and will be looking for employment in the computer industry. But I'd like to get in touch with my prospective employers now, to learn more about specific requirements and/or anything else I need to now about this field. If you'd like to see my resume, click here! E-mail me for the fastest response!

Want to get in touch? Email me at ashteren@ucla.edu

So far my page's been hit times. Want to get your own counter? Click here!

Also, I would like you to read this Thanx! List to learn about important people in my life.
And last, but not the least, I'd like you to leave me your comments or whatever. I love reading'em.

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