This space formerly the home of the Murmer [sic.] e-group. Back in the day, we were a tight-knit bunch of friends from all over the globe. We've long since parted ways, and it was time to remove this site. Its information was out-of-date, its links almost all returned errors, and I'm sure none of the former members want their information strewn about the Internet any longer.

It's true, the original e-group is still functioning (now owned by Yahoo! since is no longer in existance), but it runs without a moderator, since I'm no longer able to log in there. I seem to have no record of the account username or password.

With that said, you can still find me at the old e-mail address, for those of you who might remember me and might still have that e-mail address. You can also visit my store!   P.C. Tees: Pop Culture...To A Tee   (hopefully it will still be a functioning store for long enough to be worth mentioning here!)

That is all.