Ok...it now begins

This little form should only take you a bit to fill out, and it gives me an idea about who actually likes my page...=-)

If you're on a text-browser, now would be the time to go away...*grin*


Inconsequential Stuff that lets me get to know you better

e-mail address?
Current Home?
How'd you get here?
Which of the following describes you best?
How old are you?
What's your gender?
Do you want me to respond to this?
Yes No

Little stuff about you that has no real importance -- I'm just curious

Do you have pet peeves? What would be your top three?

Number one:
Number two:
Number three:

What would you say are the worst three things about the internet today (generic, but interesting -- what do you REALLY hate about it)?

On the other hand, what are the Internet's three main strengths (in other words, what do you really appreciate about it):

If you were to go out right now and buy three books, magazines, etc., without any regard to cost, what would they be?

Number one:
Number two:
Number three:

If you could say one thing right now to Willaim J. Clinton right now, what would it be?

If you could say one thing right now to Hillary R. Clinton right now, what would it be?

If you could say one thing right now to Kenneth Starr, what would it be?

If you could say one thing right now to Monica Lewinski, what would it be?

A few more annoying questions

So, should I create any more questionnaires?
What do you think of my main page?

Which page did you like best?

Ok *cringe*, what just totally sucked?

And lastly, any comments, suggestions, rave reviews, or sad tales to share with me?

(c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this page are original works of
Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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