
Okay... I finally decided to let myself go, and put together a set of pages for my second passion: roleplaying.

Yeah... I'm a Christian... and I roleplay. Go figure. =) But let's not get into that right now.

Anyways, I'm not going to get real flashy here... that's not my style... I'll let each character speak for themselves... warning... the language may get a little harsher here... but not by much.

Some links may not work right-off... I'm still in the process of making those ones.

Project Infinity MUX Characters:

Superman/Shield -- my fave char here... and a twisted one at that *Now defunct, but kept here because he was such a blast*

James Gordon -- The Police Commissioner... with a twist.

Charles Xavier -- An evil Crime-lord... yeah... I said evil. Not only that, but loony too! =)


MetaMUX Characters:

Klath -- my ex-Emit Wizard character, and generally opinionated psycho

Charles Xavier -- Yup... Gots him here too... kinda sad, ain't it? However, this guy's good

Fireheart -- a 'cool' little semi-elemental Defender


MegaHeroes MUX Characters:

None currently... but still a great place to go.


Links to the hompages of RPG friends...

Okay... tired of being here yet? *chuckle* Well... you can always go back to my main page.
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