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Without you, I'd be nothing...

Who would I be without friends?
No one. Period. Friends are cool because the help you when you need them most, and they are a constant comfort to you. You couldn't ask for anything more than that...

Seldom do we actually recognize these people, but I feel that with the ability to show them publicly how much they are appreciated right at my fingertips, I would be a cad not to take advantage of it.

So, in no specific order...with the exception of the first, here we go:

God - Who else? As many know, I am a Christian and proud of it, but what many don't know is the fact that without my faith in a ever-loving God, I probably wouldn't be alive today. Nothing gives me more purpose than to know that I have a savior, a friend, a father, and a mother all wrapped into one, who doesn't look any farther than my heart, and loves it unendingly. What more could a guy ask for?
Mom - This woman is phenomenal. Throughout my troubling youth, she stood up for me, with me, and in spite of me, putting up with all the crap I've given her for the past (almost) 19 years. And yet she shows no signs of growing up yet...I think that's great, and so is she.
Dad - Despite your own inhibitions, you supported my dreams. Despite the hardships that came along, you supported me. You've taught me vigilance, fortitude, strength (in character, faith, and will), and care. You also have put up with so much from me, sometimes I can't understand...
Brian Rea - My brother, my confidant, and my friend all wrapped into one. It seems that although we've only known each other for 5 years, that I have always known you. You've supported me, you've corrected me (and sometimes the shoe was on the other foot, too), and you've been there. Here's to 50 more years of tracking spuges!!!
Rebecca Bailey - (aka Beckers, Beck, or Harmony) A truer friend I could not ask for. Through you I had an outlet for my emotion. You've helped heal up years of anguish. Thank you ever so much. I wish there was more I could say. Oh yeah! "The lifeguard knows her too momma! He knows her WELL!!!"
Clarrissa - My first Girlfriend and the first gal I ever truly loved. You showed me forgiveness, patience, and kindness. Thank you ever so much. You tell that husband of yours he better treat you nice or I'll come and hit those knees of his (that come right about to my face...). :)
Lyndsay Eiden - I can't believe you're having a kid! To think I've known you since 8th grade! Does this make me an honorary uncle? :) Thank you for your kind words and steady support through those tough High-School years. I'm always here for you.
Keith Kelm - My first real friend. Can you believe it's been 7 years? least you got yourself out of Taco Bell, but could you send some of those Arizona sun-rays back here to Oregon? I'll pay the postage...:)
Kirsten Linsay - (aka Freak, Mennoly, or Molly) You've always made me laugh. I'm glad I didn't go for first impressions, and that you didn't either. I wouldn't give up friendship with you now for all the gold in the rock, sis. (Don't forget to refill your Washer Fluid!)
Andy Miller - (aka CosmoBoy or Cynic) You putz! Why can you always make me laugh? Thank you for being there for me this last semester. Have fun being a journalist...and rock the campus!
Matt Budelman - Bud, you helped me open myself to others, to trust people when I had forgotten to trust. You're one of the few guys who has ever seen me cry...let's keep it that way...
Mrs. Maki - To think you put up with me as your student for 5 years...I don't know how you handled it...but thanks...and no, I won;t use no double negatives either...
Mrs. Martin - You instilled in me the love of Drama, a gift for which I can never repay you.
Joel and Heather Rubicam - I can't believe you two finally got hitched! Best of luck to both of you, and have fun, ok?
Jon Maia - You left us, ya freak! But rest assured that you'll be missed, greatly.
Angela Bergerson - I have always treasured our friendship, no matter what its form. I am so sorry for all the hurt I have caused you, and I thank you so much for what you've put up with
Jody Dingfield - You opened my eyes to my own prejudice, and showed a life of simpleness I once had, and I envy you. You may not be naive...not after living with Beckers :), but you have a fresh view of the world I wish I could find again.
Rachel Sutherland - A firm grip on reality is what you showed me. It's so gratifying to see someone who knows exactly where they want to go. For that I envy you Thanks for being such a good listener.
James Winkleman - (aka Stihl, Chainsaw-boy, and Maverick) *said with tight jaw and clenched teeth* You're the best bud a guy could have, ya hoser. Just one question: How many Pesos?
Shane Whitaker - I can't believe you put up with me for a full semester. Although I was sad to see the problems with other people in our dorm drive you away, that you didn't abandon me. Thank you...but remember, now that you're across the hall and no longer in the same room, you're no longer safe from the Wrath of the Masked Prankster!!! (Let us dance like children of the night...)
Licia Layson - Sis, I know I'm a bad corresponder, and I really am bad at writing back, but I do appreciate the last six years of friendship, and look forward to several more...keep plugin' away in Indiana!
Lisa Crowder - Years worth of advice and care are something one can never thank another for, and I'm just another guy. I don't understand why you care, but thank you ever so much!
Stephanie and Amber Beard - You two gals...if two sisters ever got along less...I would laugh. You two are great friends, and I will treasure all we've shared for all time. Remember, I'm here for you...
Jessica Donnely - I may have just met you this year (1997), but I do know this: you are an awesome many ways a kindred spirit I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my days...a heart that for some time you held, without impunity. You are a special person, and will always remain dear to me.
Jennifer Budelman - Who could have guessed that the sister could have been even cooler that the brother? (NBL, Matt) You've been a constant support, and generally a good source of positive humor. Thank you for the firendship we share.
Kelly Rowe - Another awesome friend whom I have known for nearly forever. You have a poets heart, and a love for the world that I envy. God bless you.
Everyone else who knows me - I know too many people to put all down here. Rest assured that all of you are ultra-special to me, and I love you all.

(c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.

The contents of this page are original works of Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.