This page last updated : January 22, 2009

Keeping in Touch with the Ol' Gang

Upcoming Reunions

Miami Springs Friends Reunion- April 17-18, 2009

This reunion is for all residents of the Springs in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Although not MSSH connected, many of our classmates are expected to attend. It will take place during the Springs River Festival weekend so there will be much to do in addition to specific reunion activities. Click the link above for more information about this event.

Be sure to update your mailing and other information with First Class Reunions.
Contact ReunionWeb(First Class Reunions' Site) to update your information!

Please also log on to GoldenHawks Net to register and/or update your information.

Past Reunions


Miami Springs Class of '66 held their 40-year reunion in October of 2006 at the Wyndham Hotel in Miami Beach.

Miami Springs Class of '66 held their 30-year reunion in August of '96. We had a nice gathering on Miami Beach (and these boomers can still Rock 'N Roll!).
C/O '66 at 30th Reunion- Can you identify your classmates?

..and tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!

The Classes of '68 & '69 hosted an all-60's reunion in the summer of '99 at The Hotel Royal Plaza in Walt Disney World Village in Orlando ( that Mickey-Mouse town!). For pictures click on .

Chorus & Phoenix Singers Reunion - There have been 2 Chours/Phoenix Singers reunions in the past 5 yrs. At the second one, we had as our guests of honor, Paul and Mary Storm.

C/O '66- 42 years later :Get NET-WISE !!

Most of the Springs Alumni are on the "net" (we are finding some people who've not been heard from in 40 years or they are finding us ) and as I get their permission,I will post their e-mail addresses here.
[ For those of you whose addresses have changed , please let me know so that I can update your information .]

If you are an MSSH Alum and would like to send a digitized picture(s) ("then" or "now" or both, please email me to send or arrange to send some pix via snail mail !

Class of '66

Class of '67

Class of '68

Class of '69


Useful MSSH or Reunion-Related Links

Let's Keep in Touch !

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