Y-12 R-9 G-9 F-5 A-7
day long-ago when live PAST-CONT
When the days of long ago were living,

C-6 C-6 G-1 Y-8 S-7 A-7
family family land abroad trek PAST-CONT
families were trekking across the land,

X-R-10-5 X-R-10-5 S-12 B-11 O-4 A-5
city city few birth recieve PAST-PERF
and few cities had recieved birth,

V-12 S-11 X-G-11-7 I-Y-10-5 C-8 A-7
v-12 s-11 treasure genuine seek PAST-CONT
Violet-spark Silver-shimmer was seeking true treasure.

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