Via Rapida para a Matematica
Escola Secundaria de Eça de Queiroz - R. Cidade de Benguela
1800 Lisboa
Geometry Forum
This site, sponsored by Swarthmore University, provides fun and games, Ask Dr. Math, Geometry Problem of the Week, a list of professional organizations and math resources, and shareware software for use in your math class.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a great place to find lesson plans. Help your students solve problems like "How many students are needed to give the world a hug?" or "How many people can stand in your classroom?" Includes complete lesson plans and activities for your classroom.
Graphic Calculators
Do you let your kids use calculators in class? If so, this Web page tells you everything you need to know about using graphic calculators in your classroom.
Not only can they put a man on the moon, but they can put a helpful page on the Web. Check out NASA's Online Education Resources for a slew of mathematics and science projects.
The mathematic molecules--sounds like a complicated subject, and probably is. Nonetheless, NYU is working closely with K12 educators to provide them with all the materials they need to model their own molecules.
Pi. Pies are circular, and we eat them. This site tells you everything you ever wanted to know about Pi, including a complete history, Pi poems, paintings of Pi, the first 1,254,539 digits of Pi, and other Pi memorabelia. You can even join a club if you've memorized 100 digits of pi (not counting 3).
History Of Math
This is a REALLY neat page that describes "the rise of calculus," "Fermat's last theorem," "general relativity," and mathematical games and recreation. A must for any math buff!
The MegaMath project is intended to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together. Includes really neat math-related stories and puzzles. Titles include "Infinity Hotel," "The Most Colorful Math of All," "Algorithyms and Ice Cream for All," et al.
Mathematic Experience Through Image Processing encourages students in grades 5-8 to explore mathematics using computer graphics. Its stated objectives are: the favor conceptual learning over rote operations; emphasize practical uses of Mathematics; encourage discussions and group learning; and encourage exploratory, open-ended learning. Free software available for downloading.
Math Archives
One-stop shopping for all your math needs. Includes software, lesson plans, an on-line math dictionary, listings of professional organizations, and math journals.
Puzzle Corner
Really neat ideas for teaching mathematics to young students. One puzzle is titled "Flipping Fish"--where toothpics are used to make a stick-fish (or fish-sticks?) and determine the fewest possible moves to make the fish face a different way. Worksheets and detailed lesson plans included.
Contacto com o autor:
Miguel Simões(
© 1996 - Miguel Simões -
Lisboa, 24/4/96
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