Evelyn C. Leeper's Bookstore Lists
Evelyn C. Leeper's Bookstore Lists
(and others)
A worldwide listing by city is here, or you can
see an entire region:
- Bookstores in Eastern Canada
- Bookstores in Ontario
- Bookstores in Western Canada and Alaska
(MB, SK, AB, BC, the territories, and Alaska)
- Bookstores in New England
(not including Massachusetts)
- Bookstores in Cambridge/Boston
- Bookstores on Cape Cod MA
- Bookstores in Western Massachusetts
- Bookstores in New York City (NYC) (Manhattan)
- Bookstores in New York State (other than Manhattan)
- Bookstores in the Washington DC area
- Bookstores in the Eastern United States
(including NJ, PA, DE, MD [except for DC suburbs], WV)
- Bookstores in the Southern United States
(VA [except for DC suburbs], TN, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, AR, and FL, and Bermuda)
- Bookstores in Chicago
(including other cities in IL as well)
- Bookstores in the Midwestern United States
(including OH, KY, MI, IN, WI, and IL)
- Bookstores in the Central United States
(including MN, IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, and KS)
- Bookstores in the Western United States
(including MT, WY, ID, CO, UT, NV)
- Bookstores in the Southwestern United States
(including OK, TX, NM, and AZ)
- Bookstores in the Los Angeles Area
- Bookstores in the San Diego Area
(includes Hawai`i)
- Bookstores in the San Francisco Bay Area
(San Francisco and north)
- Bookstores in the San Francisco Bay Area
(Berkeley, Oakland, and East Bay)
- Bookstores in the San Francisco Bay Area
(Peninsula and south)
- Bookstores in the Northwestern United States
(including WA, OR, ID, and CA [except for southern California and the
San Francisco Bay area])
- Bookstores in the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
(not including Republic of Ireland)
- Bookstores in the United Kingdom (Scotland)
- Bookstores in the United Kingdom (England)
(not including London)
- Bookstores in the United Kingdom (London)
- Bookstores in the United Kingdom (Wales)
- Bookstores in Benelux
(Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
- Bookstores in France
- Bookstores in Germany
- Bookstores in the Nordic Countries
(Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Greenland)
- Bookstores in Europe (various)
(Europe east to and including Russia and Turkey; not including the United Kingdom, Benelux, France, Germany, or the Nordic countries)
- Bookstores in Africa
- Bookstores in Asia
(Asia west to Israel, not including Japan)
- Bookstores in Northern Japan
- Bookstores in Tsukuba/Eastern Tokyo Suburbs
- Bookstores in Central Tokyo (excluding Jimbocho/Hongo)
- Bookstores in Central Tokyo (Jimbocho/Hongo)
- Bookstores in Western Tokyo Suburbs/Kawasaki/Yokohama
- Bookstores in Central Japan
- Bookstores in Kyoto
- Bookstores in Osaka/Kobe
- Bookstores in Western Japan
- Bookstores in Japan (miscellaneous information)
- Bookstores in Australia and New Zealand
(maintained by Danny Au)
I no longer maintain a separate list of stores that ship worldwide. You can
either scan the regional lists or use one of the many on-line booksellers
that have sprung up.
Major On-Line Booksellers:
These are springing up like wild flowers after a spring rain, and I cannot keep up with them.
Evelyn C. Leeper (eleeper@optonline.net)
Go to Evelyn Leeper's home page.