Extracurricular activities:

Scouts and Guides:

        Scouts and Guides have always been one of the backbones of our extra curricular activities. The students are taught the basic rope works, use of GPS and other navigation systems, usual patriotic and group songs, drills and exercises, survival techniques in the wilderness etc. The scout camps and jamborees have always been fun and well taken by the participants. The annual hall mark has always been the unforgettable international Jamboree day where Ham Radio is deployed for our Scout and Guides to contact other Scout and Guide groups within India or abroad. This event is celebrated and experienced with great joy. This activity fosters international brotherhood and National Integrity amongst the scouts in India and abroad. 


        The School has a 8-inch `CELESTRON' Smidt-Cassegrain astronomical telescope and a home built 6"-Newtonian reflector. Astronomy classes/demos are conducted regularly in the late evenings. The activity is to support the science syllabus chapters on stars & galaxy/Sun/Earth etc., The School also has an aero-modelling club for interested students. Workshops are conducted during vacations.


        The School has control line diesel models for the beginners and large size radio controlled  models for purpose of demonstration and learning. The interested students are first taught basics in aerodynamics and flight principles. During the year 2004-05 the club members were taken to the wind tunnel of I.I.Sc as a part of education tour. The radio controlled model is flown at the airfield of I.I.Sc Bangalore.

Science Fairs:

        Every year during the month of November around Children's Day this event is conducted for two days. Students from 5th std to 10th std. take part. Almost all the students take part in this Science Fair. Usually there are about 150 projects each year. Sometimes two students represent a single large project. Almost all projects are selected from within the syllabus. All projects belonging to the same class are clustered together. Careful planning is done to ensure that the syllabus is carefully covered. Since all students of the same class are busy explaining there projects to visitors, the entire class is exposed to one another's projects. This exposure helps in getting a better grip over the subject. The students are further exposed to layman's questioning about their projects & its purpose. This two day exercise enables understanding the basic fundamentals and themes. Most important of all the students are made to explore and fathom their skills and intelligence in building their projects with low cost/no-cost/waste items found in their homes. For items, which are out of way, the school helps them. Students experience failures & success in their projects many months prior to the exhibition. Projects that do not work, generally are rejected, forcing the students to give another try. So every encouragement & guidance is given. With the past many years witnessing this event a primary student not only is exposed to his own projects but comes across projects done by his seniors all the way up. He sees these every year. He gradually progresses & prepares to take more intricate projects year after year. He also improves his oratory and learns how to present his project in the most effective way. One of the highlights of this years project is the complete working of an Amateur Radio Station. Students were seen operating their School Club Station `VU3LLE'.

    The school has won first prize in the High school model making conducted by ISRO during Feb 2004 and 2005 years successively for their projects 1.) Vandegraff generator and 2.) Sterling engines. Both the projects were true working models and won admiration ar various other Science Fairs conducted for Schools at Bangalore.


Aims & goals of school science fairs:

The aim of this annual exhibition is :

1.) To offer a visual aid, understanding & comprehension of almost the entire Science syllabus.

2.) To be exposed to an exercise which demands a little planning to meet time schedules.

3.) To foster growth of natural skills & intelligence in young scientists.

4.) To experience team work, co-operation.

5.) To cultivate work discipline and execute perfectly their respective projects from guiding teachers.

6.) To develop the art of communicating and presentation. He learns to speak & communicate better.

7.) The School has many prizes each year for best projects and this motivates a strong competition.

8.) To finally set their sights in making big scores at the science Exams & tests.

INTEL International Science & Engineering Fair:
        During Jan 2000, the school fielded two projects tittled 'Mass rapid transport systems using free energies' by Suraj Jain of 10th std and `Aluminium Powered Fuel cells' by Venkat of 10th std. Both the projects were selected at South Zone level for the finals at new Delhi scheduled during Feb'2000. The aluminium powered fuel cell securing the First Prize and the other project the Sixth prize. At Delhi the project tittled `Aluminium Powered Fuel Cell won the Second Prize. This project was exhibited by M. Venkatasubramanian, who incidently happens to have passed the ham exam and is awaiting call sign. This student received an INTEL pentium-III 550Mhz computer multimedia, worth Rs. 80,000 and a free trip to Detroit to represent his school and project at USA scheduled May 6th to 13th 2000. The Little Lillys English School is thus being selected  to represent India at the INTEL ISEF FAIR 2000 at Detroit USA. Indeed this is an achievement and a history in making.