6.7. Epilog File for Citation Display
This epilog file (“cita.epi”) is for “Citation” record display. This file resides in the directory C:\ISIS\DATA, whose conditional statements are executed and displayed at the bottom of the “cita.pft” file.
The full listing of this file is as follows:
'<body><center>',/ | |
select s(v1091) | |
case '1': '<H4>Fatal Error
!</H4>'/, case '3': '<H4>Error in Search syntax ! Please reformulate the query</H4>'/, case '4': '<H4>Error: Search run-time exception !</H4>'/, case '5': '<H4>Error: Format syntax !</H4>'/, case '6': '<H4>Error: Format run-time exception !</H4>'/, case '7': '<H4>No records were retrieved !</H4>'/, |
,endsel, if val(v1002)>val(v1032) then |
method="post">'/ '<input type=hidden name="first" value="',f(val(v1032)+1,0,0), '">'/ '<input type=hidden name="bool" value="', v1021,'">'/ '<input type=submit name="tag6016" value="Next 20 Records" style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold">'/ '<input type=hidden name="tag6017" value="',f(val(v6017)+1,0,0), '">'/ '<input type=hidden name="tag6019" value="',f(val(v6019)+20,0,0), '">'/ '</form>' |
fi/ if val(v1032)>20 then |
'<br><H4><center>Please use the Back Button in your Browser to view previous page</center></h4><br>' | |
fi/ | |
size=3><p align="right"> [<a href="http://
www.libres.ait.ac.th /web-catalog.htm">Web Catalog</a>] [<a href="http:// www.libres.ait.ac.th /guided-search.htm">Guided Search</a>] [<a href="http:// www.libres.ait.ac.th /simple-search.htm">Direct Search</a>] </p></font>'/ '<p align="center"><b><i><font color=" 660066">''Page # ' f(val(v6017)+1,0,0),/, '</font></i></b></p> </body>', '</html>', |