
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Energy Fields. The information presented here is a section of my upcoming book, called: Good Vibrations: Reflections on the Subtle Environment

This text is concerned with issues and interactions that people encounter on a daily basis - about schools, hospitals, churches, friends, pets, music - and how one can transform their perceptions regarding these, from mundane situations, to inspired reality.

All this will be examined from the perspective of what I call the subtle field, which is actually various layers of energy, that relate to different states of consciousness or experience. The more refined the perception, the more evident or "real" these levels of experience become.

Vibrations relate to a higher way of perceiving. They can be good or bad, helpful or unhelpful. If we are stuck in a certain material consciousness we will not be particularly tuned-in to the subtle world, and chances are we would not care.

On the other hand, there are those who have a high degree of awareness, and they are naturally sensitive to the multiplicity of energies around them. Sometimes they don't even know this. And so they suffer.

I wish someone had told me about what I am to describe when I was younger. In a way this text reflects what I would have told myself twenty years ago. Through life experiences we hopefully come to develop some wisdom or understanding. Should this process stop, than a stagnation of the soul sets in.

The ideas presented here will evolve over time as my understanding of the principles involved changes as well.

More links will be added over time. For now, you can start here.

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Last updated Jan. 2, 1997.

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