Peterson's Reformed World
Psa 33:1 Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.
How can it be that such a depressed people as we seem to be today could be found praising God and rejoicing in Him? There is so much turmoil and anguish in the lives of God's children that rejoicing and praise seem to be the very last response one would expect. And yet it is appropriate that God's elect should rejoice in Him. In fact such action is consider beautiful.
I am not certain but I think that most find it difficult to rejoice in times of distress. The very focus of our thoughts is typically upon those things that concern us most and therefore our emotions are dictated by our most prominent circumstance. If we are in the midst of a happy time then we will be happy, and conversely, if we are in the midst of an unhappy time then we will be unhappy. This seems clear enough. And yet scripture does not give us any indication that our rejoicing in the Lord is necessarily occasioned by a joyous event. In fact it seems that David's primary justification for calling praise forth to God from God's children is that such action is beautiful.
Consider this thought: that which is beautiful is pleasing and lightens the heart. When I consider the image of my wife I see all her beauty and I am pleased and that makes me happy. When I tell my wife of my love for her I see her pleasure in that knowledge, and her beauty is made even greater, and I am pleased even more, and my heart leaps for joy. The sequence may seem tangled but the reality is clearly evident. As we rejoice in God we bring him joy. And what is more our hearts are made lighter for by the praising of God we create a beautiful image before our mind's eye of His loveliness and that image pleases us and we are made joyful in our hearts.
To consider God and offer him praise is in fact the very medicine the weary soul needs. God has ordained that those who rejoice in him will find joy for themselves in that very act of adoration. How glorious is the being whose very glory and magnificence brings joy to those who acknowledge it. Praise Him all you people for it is beautiful to do so. Amen!
Mark Peterson's Writings on the Psalms
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