Celebrities on Acid

This page is a collobarative effort of Steve Daugherty and myself. One day I was talking to him on the phone explaing how to use an image editing program when I discovered it's warping feature. He had previously sent me a picture of the "Arrowhead rabbit" which lived for several months with an arrow through it's head. I warped it and sent it back. He replied with a warped picture of Duane Allman he called "Duane Allman on acid". After that, it took a life of it's own.
Darwin Teague

The images contained herein are not intended to encourage or discourage the use of hallucinogenic drugs nor are they indended to demonize or vilify the beings depicted. These images may, indeed, spare one the expense of said drugs and the possibility of a "bad trip", while affording one the rare opportunity to view so-called "celebrities" as you have never viewed them before; that is, unless you have stood behind them at one of those weird mirrors at the circus. Any similarities to people real or imagined is merely co-inky-dink.

Elton John on acid           Elvis Presley on acid              Martha Stewart on acid

Rush Limbaugh on acid                                Ronald Reagan on acid

Bill Clinton on acid           Monica Lewinski on acid          Adolph Hitler on acid

Dave Letterman on acid         Timothy Leary on acid                   Cher on acid

Michael Jackson on acid            Spike Lee on acid                 Calista Flockhart on acid

Jesus on acid                                        God on acid

The Beatles on acid                               Bob Dylan on acid              Bryant Gumbel on acid

Princess Diane on acid         Pablo Picasso on acid               Angela Lansbury on acid

Bart Simpson on acid Beavis and Butthead on acid Bette Midler on acid

Brigette Bardot on acid              Burt Reynolds on acid           Cindy Crawford on acid

David Copperfield on acid         Courtney Cox on acid           Billy Crystal on acid

Daryl Hannah on acid                Ellen Degeneres on acid         Farrah Fawcett on acid

Frank Sinatra on acid                 Gandhi on acid                       Jerry Garcia on acid

Geena Davis on acid                  Al Gore on acid                       Helen Hunt on acid

Jack Nicholson on acid              Jamie Lee Curtis on acid       John Travolta on acid

Kathie Lee Gifford on acid Kirstie Alley on acid Kurt Cobain on acid

Jay Leno on acid                        Lucille Ball on acid                Dan Rather on acid

Howard Stern on acid                Saddam Hussein on acid        Elizibeth Taylor on acid

Barbara Walters on acid             Bruce Willis on acid              John Wayne on acid

Richard Simmons on acid                         The Clintons on acid

Bill Gates on acid                                   Newt Gingrich on acid
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