One Twelve Interactive - The Language Solution

Some images from the course - I
Some images from the course - II

Easy to use !!
Simple & Efective !!
Fun for the whole Family

12 powerful reasons to buy it !!!
1. It's the easiest way to learn a language.
2. Uses the natural learning process.
3. Everybody learns to speak.
4. Proven more effective every time.
5. No need to learn abstract grammar rules.
6. The whole family can use it.
7. Has wonderful graphics and animations.
8. It's easy, fun and cost effective.
9. It's total immersion program at home.
10. Has multiple choice interaction.
11. Gives you instant recording and playback.
12. It really is the language solution you've been looking for.

Watch the graphics, pictures and animations and you understand the meaning. Listen to the recordings: words, phrases, questions, answers and dialogues. And train your ear into the new sounds. Record yourself and playback to discover how quickly you are speaking a new language. It's easy. It's the way a child learns. It's the way you learned you own language.
Observe los gráficos, dibujos y animaciones y comprenda el significado. Escuche las grabaciones: palabras, frases, preguntas, respuestas y diálogos y su oído se acostumbrará a los nuevos sonidos. Grabe y escuche su voz para descubrir lo rapidamente que está hablando un nuevo idioma. Es fácil. Es la forma en que aprende un niño. Es como Ud. aprendió su propio idioma.
Observe os gráficos, figuras e as animações e compreenda o seu significado ...
Ouça as gravações: palavras, frases, perguntas, respostas e diálogos..E acostume seu ouvido aos novos sons. Grave e esoute sua voz para descobrir rapidamente como você esta falando um novo idioma. E fácil, esta é a forma de aprendizado de criança. E a forma como você aprendeu o seu prôprio idioma.
What does the people think ...

E-Mail Contact us !!

1-12 Interactive, Inc.
8901 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tel: (818) 954-0445
Fax: (818) 954-0616

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This site was designed by Oscar Tognocchi