The Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial - (S.A.T.) Tutorial Learning System

The Anisa Foundation is implementing the pre-youth training in rural service (S.A.T. - Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial - Tutorial Learning System) which includes education in farming, animal husbandry, poultry raising and community service (specifically, classes in basic health and in teaching reading and writing) within a context of sustainable development which has been developed and implemented by F.U.N.D.A.E.C. in Cali, Colombia over the past twenty-five years.  Recently FUNDAEC was awarded the Club of Budapest, Change the World - Best Practice Award for its work with the S.A.T. program.

These methods have been implemented at a variety of localities and cities in Central and South America and are now being put into practice in many other countries of the world, including Mexico, India, Honduras, Ecuador and the U.S. There are now about 120,000 youth enrolled in S.A.T. (System for Tutorial Learning) courses in Colombia.

The program costs are low due to the high degree of community participation.

In July of 2003 the foundation was the successful recipient of a grant by the Sierra Club Foundaton, Washington, D.C. to promote the formation of S.A.T. groups in the Mexicali Valley which have as one of their goals the promotion of environmental projects.

Other websites where additional information can be obtained about the program:

Learning About Education and Development by Farzam Arbab

Rural Community-based System for University-Level Education. from Nayudamma
