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The Chronicle last updated on July 9 . Keep on Rockin'
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This is my web site. I changed it a lot. Exoume 3 mila, pernoume to 1, posa mila exoume tora? Ate eipa kai tin malakia mou gia simera... 
Well, this is some info for me...along with a photo taken mid June 98...  
Well...if you like my page, then feel free to email me telling me so. If not then stay quiet in your little pathetic world because you obviously can't tell a cool page from a lame one. 
MoonChild's The Morning Star 
Visit the homepage of my best friend, MoonChild. Some great ideas in there, and his cool FUN page with C&H (Calvin & Hobbes to most illiterates) 

The Philadelphia ExperimentThe Philadelfia Experiment 
The experiment goals was to implement stealth technology to ships back in the 40's. During the experiment something went wrong with the ships two generators and the ship completely dematerialized. Follow the link to discover whether it's a myth or reality. 

Deliveries in Cyprus 
Find the telephone of your favorite delivery in our island, be it for Pizza, Kebab or Burgers. Send me more stuff to finish off the list. Click HERE 

Visit the Greek Internet Song Database, the most comprehensive index on Greek music on the net. 
Visit Babbas's page to find Lyrics, Guitar and Bass tablatures on many bands
Black Sabbath  
Deep Purple  
Iron Maiden  
Led Zeppelin  
Pink Floyd 

Visit the Engomis 40th's Scout Troop Site, one of the best troops in Cyprus. Look at the Troops History, and find other Scouting organizations through it's links. Designed by MoonChild and a little help of me. (Alternate page

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Cyprus is a beautiful island in the eastern Mediterranean sea. 
It has a greek culture, and the people rely mainly on tourism and farming for their income. You can find beaches with golden sand and crystal clear waters but you can also explore the mountains and all the small villages and get to meet the famous Cypriot hospitality. 

Cyprus was invaded by Turkey on the 20th of July, 1974. During the invasion, which took place with the excuse to protect the Turkish Cypriots, the Turkish Invasion Forces seized control 37% of the island, captured 1619 Greek Cypriots and 5 Us Citizens who are still missing to date, and forced 200000 people out of their homes. The Turkish Cypriot leader Raouf Denktash then established the so called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC), an illegal entity not recognized by any nation but Turkey. 

Dave's Classics
Visit this great page. It has a lot of great old arcade games in the likes of PacMan, Pong, Frogger and some newer ones, all playable when you download an emulator. Find all sort of emulators on this site, from Unix to Mac , to all sorts of Console and PC machines that passed through history. 

Jammin On The NetJammin on the net 
Jammin is a TV program about Music. About COOL music. Get to hear new bands, listen to your favorite groups or email them two cool guys and then watch your email appear on their program (frightening prospect eh?) 

National Geographic 
That great magazine in it's electronic form. Filled with documentaries, past issues and a new electronic version for kids, this is an overall great site. 

child.mid: Child in Time by Deep Purple
Best experienced with Yamaha's Midi Plugin  
(All material found, organised and published by Markos Kyriacou Copyright 1998 ©)