Helen Roulston's Foreign Languages

     In addition to my other interests, I have studied a number of foreign languages, which I have used in my teaching, scholarship, film and musical interests, and travel.

Latin .

Spanish .





     I studied Latin in Northwestern High School in Hyattsville, MD, and have used that language as a basis for my study of other languages.


     I first studied Spanish as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, then later as a directed study at Murray State University. In my studies of Hispanic cinema and many travels in Hispanic countries, mainly in Mexico and Central America, plus Madrid, Seville, Cordoba, and Costa del Sol in Spain, I have put my Spanish to good use.


     I first learned to read French at the University of Maryland, then learned pronunciation and studied literature in a directed study at Murray State University and used it in my cinematic studies, travels in French-speaking cities and countries, for example, San Pierre and Michelon (France outre-mer),Antibes, Paris, and Monaco, Montreaux, Vevey, and Geneva, as well as in my scholarship, including my masters thesis, literature classes, and study of opera, including works by Berlioz, Bizet, and Massenet.


     I taught myself to read German, then learned basic pronunciation, which I have employed in my travels, in my studies of German cinema, both historical and recent, travels in German-speaking cities, Berlin, Vienna, Zurich, and Interlaken, especially and in study of opera, including those by Mozart, Johann and Richard Strauss, and Wagner.


     I first studied Italian at Murray State University and have made good use of it in my studies of Italian cinema, my recent travels in northern Italy, especially in Florence, Rome, and Venice, as well as my study of opera, including works by Bellini, Donezetti, Handel, Leoncavello, Mascagni, Mozart, Puccini, Verdi, as well as numerous minor composers.

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