Eric Canin's Homepage
a place for various and sundry items of interest
Hello to all my neighbors and visitors. 

This site was created in 1997, when geocities was a relatively small online community with distinctive neighborhoods.  I chose to homestead in Athens, in honor of that city's tradition of learning.   I am an anthropologist who has done work in Nicaragua, but my interests range from social movements to chaos theory to poetry to (obviously) the internet to religious fanatics (from a distance) to rock n reggae. This is just a start; I plan to make my homepage a usable resource of some kind. Any ideas? My e-mail address is 

This page is a hub for my various pages:

CSUF Classes

I am currently a Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, California State University Fullerton
Links to other sites on the Web
American Anthropological Association
Millennialism Studies Consultation of the American Academy of Religion
Institute for Global Communication - a progressive resource
Disinformation - a countercultural resource
Site created Oct. 30, 1997, updated  
© 1997 canin@earthlink.net

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