Ladies of the Heart.

I am extremely proud to belong to one of the most wonderful organizations on the Net for women. This wonderful group of ladies is know as Ladies of the Heart. Within this group, I have found love, peace, laughter, and friendship. It is a rare thing indeed to know friends as fine as these. I would like to invite all women to visit LOTH and see if you would like to become a part of this group. To all of my sisters in Ladies of the Heart, thank you for being there everyday for me. Many times the little notes and wishes that you have shared with me have made my day brighter. You are all in my prayers even if I do not always have the time to let each of you know and my love is always with you. I would also like to give special thanks to Kari for the great job she has done as the Ladies' WebMistress for, without her, Ladies of the Heart would not be the amazing organization that it is. Thanks, Kari! Below I have a collection of gifts and awards that others have presented to LOTH. Thank you all for the beautiful presents!

Thank you, Elizabeth, for this beautiful image!

Thank you, Becky, for this thoughtful award!

Thank you, Jeri, for this gorgeous award!

Thank you, Absinth, for this wonderful emblem!

Thank you, DianaDru, for this lovely award!

Thank you, Catala, for this great award!

Thank you, Catty, for this marvellous award!

Thank you, Tigress, for this gift of love!

Thank you, DSpirit, for this sweet message!

Thank you, Angel, for this guardian angel!

Thank you, Donna, for this Mother's Day wish!

Please visit my second page, my third page, or my fourth page of Ladies of the Heart gifts.

This Ladies of the Heart WebRing site is owned by Kymberlie R. McGuire.

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