
A figure moves between the tangled trunks, seeking the clearing. Soon, the mountainous pines part, to reveal a glistening stream. The woman kneels down on the grassy banks, and dips her fingertips into the water. She than places her hands upon the ground. The steady rhythm of earthly energy streams through her, and calms her.

The woman places her head upon the tops of her hands, than leans forward toward the water. She touches her fingertips into the water, than pulls them out to place them on her forehead. The water trickles down her face as she places her hands upon the grass once more. She plucks several blades of grass after thanking the earth for it's sacrifice, and places them between her palms and becomes still for a moment. She closes her eyes, and her lips start to move. The energy she has formed is pushed into the leaves. She than stands up, and throws them into the air. The wind catches them, and sends them traveling to the other side of the stream. She knows that it is done. She pears up into the sky and basks in the sunlight before returning home from the park.

This is Magick.

So why do we use the word magick, instead of magic, you ask?

It is because magic is the art of illusion. You watch the magicians on television perform their death-defying illusions, or see someone make a dollar bill disappear and reappear some place else. This is magic.

Magick is the manipulation of energies derived from self, and from the elements (see Pentacle), sent off for a purpose. Magick is the working with nature and the energies around us for many uses, preferably good ones. It is as ancient as the world and beyond. It is a gift that all can and do (whether they are aware of it or not)utilize.

This page will be finished at a later date...

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