Saturday October 26th 1996 the Standing Committee of the Synod of Victoria of the Uniting Church in Australia passed the following motion making it policy for the Synod:
96/25.2 Re: Myanmar (Burma) It was resolved: (a) to express its concern to the Federal Government at the continuation of human rights abuses by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) of the Government in Myanmar (Burma); (b) to urge the Federal Government to support the call of Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy of Union of Burma for economic and military arms sanctions against the SLORC regime; (c) to request that parishes pray for the people of Burma and express their concerns to the Federal Government; (d) to establish a task group: (i) to determine the extent of the Synod's investment in, and business with, companies doing business in/with Burma; and (ii) to propose recommendations concerning divestment and selective purchasing to the Standing Committee for decision.
The Age, Melbourne's more serious newspaper, reported it as follows:
Church urges parishes to push for Burma sanctionsThe Victoria Uniting Church yesterday called on its members to lobby the Federal Government for sanctions against Burma. The Reverend Warren Bartlett said the church's state standing committee had set up a task group to determine the extent of the synod's investment in companies doing business with Burma. He said the committee would urge the Government to support the campaign of the democracy leader, Anng Sang Suu Kyi, for economic and military sanctions against Burma...