
Those organizations or individuals who have expressed the desire to classified neither as supporters of ARI nor as supporters of IOS, or whose sympathies are not as easily classified.

The Reason Web -- Home of FUNDAMENTALS is the "newsletter" of the Philadelphia Area Objectivism Discussion Group, or to be more exact, a small periodical. Like the author of this webpage, the editor of Fundamentals is willing to present both sides, on the assumption that the reader can quite properly arive at his own judgments when presented with both sides. Naturally, Fundamentals can be expected to appeal to a broader audience than Objectivity.

Full Context A 10 to 12 page newsletter, publishes ten times a year. Technical philosophy, interviews, ...

Central Jersey Objectivists This organization no longer exists, nevertheless, their website is being maintained. They have a number of good articles, and even a survey.

The New Intellectual ForumA Chicago-based group. Some of their members regard themselves as aligned with IOS. However, they welcome differing opinions, so long as discussion remains civil. A number of the members of this group have published articles, most notably in "Objectivity."

Logos is the name which I have temporarily given to the site which you are presently at.

Objectivism by Jeffry Lowder.

[Links Index on Objectivism] [General Index]

Is there a website which I've forgotten? Has a link died to one of the sites which I have listed? Have I mis-classified a site? Please email me a note.


©1996 by Timothy D. Chase. All rights reserved.

I am not endorsed by the individuals or organizations listed. Nor should the fact that I am including them be regarded as evidence that any of them have received my unqualified endorsement. What I endorse-- unreservedly-- is the active mind which judges things for itself.

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