"Trail of Tears"

Your Name ____________________________________

1. Read the information on the first site. Then write 3 important questions you could ask someone to see if they understood the information.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Now you need to go back to our own page. To do this, go to the menu at the top of the page. Under the word "Go" move the cursor down to Mrs.BraccioClass , highlight it, and let go of your mouse..

2. When you clicked on the URL http://users.townsqr.com/homebrew/trail.htm you should have gotten a poem titled "Trail of Tears."

  • Read the poem aloud (softly).
  • Which line of the poem do you think best expresses the feelings of the poet about being driven out of the homeland?
  • Copy that line below.


    Return to Mrs. Braccio's Page
  • Click on the URL http://www.members.tripod.com/~Poetspotlight/CAM1.html
  • Do the same procedure you did for the last poem.
  • Copy that line below.


  • Return to Mrs. Braccio's Page

    3.Your last task is to go searching yourself. We will use a search engine called "Yahoo."

    Here's how you get there:


    Type apple L

    A box will open

    In the box, type http://www.yahoo.com

    The Yahoo search site will ask you to type in a "search term."

    Type in "Trail of Tears." (Use the quotation marks.)

    Very soon, a page will appear with a list of sites that have to do with the "Trail of Tears. "

    Choose one of these sites that appeals to you.

    Copy its URL (address) in the box below.





    List at least 2 new facts that you find on this web page about "The Trail of Tears"


Fact: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Return to Mrs. Braccio's page.