NAME ____________________________
DATE ________________
Why are we doing a topic attack?
The purpose of the topic attack is to help you when you begin searching for information. You won't have time to actually take notes today; however, if you find a good source, jot down the page number and title of the source so you can find it easily when you do begin note-taking.
1. Check the unabridged dictionary to find the definition of your topic. Write your definition in the space below.If you did not find your topic, list the words you tried. (doctor, surgeon, physician, etc.)
2. Use one print encyclopedia to locate your topic. Name of encyclopedia ____________________________
List all topic and sub-topic headings, as well as "see also" references in the space below.
3. Consult one on-line encyclopedia to locate
your topic. Name of encyclopedia _______________________
List all topic and sub-topic headings, as well as "see also"
references in the space below
4. Consult the on-line catalog. Check all possible subject headings (medicine, doctor, health, etc.) List the call numbers and subject headings which look like they would be helpful.
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Still using the on-line catalog, see if there is any audio-visual material you might be able to use. The following is a list of the abbreviations used in the database: LD=laser disc V=video CASS=audio cassette CD=CD ROM disc
I found ____________________________________________
5. Check the almanac for your topic. Write the headings you find for your topic in the general index.
6. Examine specialized career reference materials. List books which you think would be helpful.
7. Find your topic in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. Be sure to look at all subject headings that apply to your topic. Write down magazine references which look promising AND "see also" references.
8. Check the Vertical File for additional information. (Mr. Jones, Mrs. Romney, or Mrs. Spanko will help you with this.)
I found ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
9. Check Resource/One. Write down the names of two magazines that look promising.
10. Check the OnLine Service for Scottsdale Public Library
I found ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
11. Look through the books on the special career shelf. List titles which look helpful.
12. Check Mrs. Spanko's Web Site. The URL is
_______Yes, there is information I can use.
_______No, there was no information about my career.
13. Look in the Yellow Pages of the phone book. List any information you find there. You may be able to call and request information about your career or even arrange an interview.