- Help new members overcome two types of anxiety:
1. Standing before an audience and giving a speech
2. Normal human concern associated with joining any unfamiliar group and seeking
- New members who understand the Club's purpose and structure will identify more readily with the Club and its members. They will also develop a sense of pride and belonging
- Provide the member with opportunities to speak through prepared
speeches as well as impromptu talks
- Provide helpful, supportive evaluations
- Provide a positive atmosphere that builds self-confidence and helps
members overcome fear and nervousness
- Provide educational programs that are stimulating and enjoyable
- Provide each new member with a coach/mentor who is available to help
acclimate them into the club
What the Members can do for their Club:
- Attend meetings and fulfill all assignments. Notify the Club in
advance when they cannot attend a meeting
- Speak from the manuals and fulfill the objectives or each manual
assignment; The manuals contain a professionally engineered progression of learning
- Achieve the CTM and ATM awards. The Toastmasters recognition system is
the means to measure members' self-development process
- Participate in all club programs and activities. A group can be
successful only when each member supports it
- Evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner. As Toastmasters,
we improve by helping one another, and we take pride in each other's accomplishments
- Build open, friendly relationships with fellow members. Spirit,
camaraderie and genuine caring are the catalysts that make meetings both educational and
- Help bring new members into the club. It is each member's responsibility to keep the Club strong and dynamic. It is also satisfying to share the benefits of a Toastmasters membership with others