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Stanislao Marco's Hope Page 
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Hi! My name is Stanislao. I was born and raised in Italy. Now I am in USA since 1992. I am 30 years old.  Thanks for stopping by. Take some time to visit the page and the links. Let me know what you think! 

I am very interested in Hope. I strongly believe that Hope is one of the most fundamental ingredients for a healthy life. I am collecting ideas and studies about this. If you are interested or want to know more about it, please contact me. I'll be glad to share what I know and what I think, and willing to listen to new points of view. 


  Personal Information 

Education and Links 

Books Review 

CSC on the WEB 

Genesis Workshop 

JESUS Workshop 


Versione Italiana

BookShelfVisit my BOOKSHELF -- Check what's on my desk and the books I have read. Also the reading list for summer readings. 

In Association with Amazon.com  Update May 21, 1998

  Visit also my New MUSICSHELF ---  
for a list of Cd and movies I have. Check what I like, what I don't, and what I recommend. 

You are Visitor Number  since April 17, 1997. 
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