What is Spiritual Authority?

Exploring the transcendent dimension of power

This page is dedicated to an exploration of the sociological dimension of spiritual authority. My exploration ties together both theoretical and practical concerns over the existence and use of spiritual authority in the modern world.

The launching point for my thinking on spiritual authority begins with a discussion of terms leading to a preliminary definition of spiritual authority. Other thoughts continue from that point. My thinking focuses on an evangelical context. A brief note on the use of the word God can be found by clicking on the term wherever it is found in these pages.

You can read here about my personal background to understand what motivates me to study this subject.

Your comments, book/article references, suggestions, personal experiences, questions, etc., are all welcome. Please email me at the address below. Or use the form provided in the guest book registry below.

A Brief Treatise on Spiritual Authority

(a work in progress -- updated frequently)

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition of Terms
  3. Historical Background
  4. Sociological Background
  5. Statement of the Problem
  6. Contemporary Responses to Loss of Spiritual Authority.
  7. Pragmatic Issues
  8. ??? Other topics as they emerge


Related issues on Spiritual Authority

I have provided interesting links on the artificial creation of spiritual authority.

G U E S T S please take the opportunity to sign my guest book. Included is a form for your questions, comments or contributions. I'd like to hear what you think!

Please note: My thinking is sometimes slow, but always continues! Take a look at my love for reading at my other website book.net. Please come back again soon.

Approved by Da Man Award

This page graciously recieved an Approved by Da Man Award on July 21, 1996.

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This page created on July 12, 1996.
Most recent revision was October 25, 1996.
Copyright © 1996 Gerardo Marti
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