Verbatim from Public Information distributed by:
The Embassy of the United States of America
Athens, Greece

Residence Permits

Note from the webmaster:  All links and information, unless otherwise noted as official,  lead to general information that would be sent to you if you were to call The American Embassy in Athens, Greece, and request information.  This page is not official, but is made by a private citizen, and covers issues not addressed in the official pages of the  U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece.   This page is meant for your convenience, and although the pages ARE copied verbatim from non vital documents issued by the Embassy, is not to be taken as official.  Thank You.


A. For Visitors:

A United States citizen may enter and remain in Greece for up to three months without a visa.  At the time of entry, a stamp is placed in his/her passport showing the date and point of entry.  If the planned visit is to exceed the three months, he/she must request, like any other alien, a residence permit from the Aliens Police at least fifteen days prior to the expiration of the original three month period.  A residence permit for an additional three months, a total of sic months from date of entry, can be granted if the individual can prove to the satisfaction of the authorities that he/she is in possession of sufficient means of support to finance his/her stay.  The purpose of the requested extension and possible intention fro a prolonged stay in the country are seriously taken into consideration.  It should be expected that residence permits for stays beyond the six months may not be easily granted and the Greek authorities will not give advance assurance that the individual will be permitted to prolong his/her say.  All applications to the local aliens authorities will be forwarded to the Ministry of Public Order for consideration.

B.  For work:

An alien who has entered Greece, pursuant to prior approval by the Greek authorities, to work, exercise a profession or for any other financial activity is granted a residence permit valid for one year.  That residence permit can be annually renewed for up to five years provided no change in the original status of the alien has accrued.  If the alien contemplates continuing his/her stay and employment in Greece beyond the five year period, he/she must submit a request with the appropriate police authority at least two months prior to completion of the fifth year.  In such a case, a stay beyond the five years can be approved by the Minister of Public Order upon consent of the Minister of Labor.


C. For Students:

An alien who has entered Greece for the purpose of studying is granted annual residence permits until completion of his/her studies.  The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Education and Public Order will jointly set the conditions under which and alien will enjoy student status in Greece.

Important Note:  An alien whose request for issuance of a residence permit or renewal of an existing one is denied must depart the country immediately without any other formalities. 



The fees in the form of revenue stamps which are affixed on the residence permits are dependent upon the individual's length of stay in the country.

An alien, during his/her stay, must report within one month to the local police

An alien who remains in Greece for up to thirty (30) days following expiration of his legal stay or residence permit is subject to a fine in an amount double the normal residence permit fees.

If the illegal stay is beyond the thirty (30) days, payment of a fine of 50,000 to 200,000 drachmas is imposed.

CENTRAL 173 Alexandras Avenue Tel: 770-5711
PALLINI 14 Athanasiou Diakou Street Tel: 603-2982/4
GLYFADA 23 Karaiskaki Street Tel: 960-1340
PIRAEUS 37 Iroon Polytechniou Ave. Tel: 412-8607

American Embassy
Athens, Greece
July, 1995
