The Art of Contentment

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
--Abraham Lincoln

"The world is too much with us. Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers."
--William Wordsworth

"My after forty face felt far more comfortable than anything I lived with previously. Self-confidence was a powerful beauty potion; I looked better because I felt better. Failure and grief as well as success and love had served me well. Finally, I was tapping into that most hard-won of youth dews: Wisdom."
--Nancy Collins

"To one who waits, all things reveal themselves so long as you have the courage not to deny in the darkness what you have seen in the light."
--Coventry Patmore

"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music--the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself."
--Henry Miller

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
--Abraham Lincoln