Welcome to Death.
Risks What are your chances of dying in a plane crash? Auto Accident? How about being hit be a meteor? Check out the risks of life here.

Coming Soon

This page is dedicated to Death. However, it is not some Gothic fantasy page. What you will be seeing here in the next few weeks (or months) is an educated page about the history, demographics, sociology, and psychology of Death. Sections yet to come include: How famous (or infamous) people died, statistics on the causes of Death, a Java longevity calculator, a "Living or Dead" Game, descriptions of various cultural beliefs on Death, etc..

Sound interesting, well stop back from time to time and see what's going on.

If you have an ideas, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Derrick Riches

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There have been visitors since August 9, 1996.
This page last modified March 18, 1997.